Thursday, May 29, 2014

Stop Procrastinating!

Buenas Noches Intrawebs!!! 

After a few days of procrastination and dragging my feet, I have finally dived into my next dress.  This is an Indian cotton block print fabric I got for super super cheap. WOO!  

 First step is to lay out the pattern pieces of the bodice (back, sides, and front) and pin them to the fabric.  Making sure that if you are working with a printed fabric that all the pieces of the bodice are the directions.  The little arrows will help you to make sure the pieces are all the same.

If you (like me) are smaller in the chest region and like additional room to gather and create the illusion of a larger bust, you can always add more.  

In the picture below you can see that I adjusted the front bodice piece to not directly align with the fold.  By moving the pattern piece back, this allows for additional room for the bodice gathering.  

Once you have the pieces together I like to lay them out flat to make sure the general shape of the bodice is taking place.

Now they are ready to be pinned together and sewen.  Be sure to always have your tomato handy!!

The curves in the back of the dress allow seem super awkward while sewing them together, but these allow for the natural curve of your body.  Be sure to use multiple multiple pins!

Once you have the pieces pinned, sew both side pieces to the back of the dress.  Once those are attached, pin the shoulder pieces to the back of the dress and then the side pieces to the front.  Then you have pretty much completed the whole bodice! 

Sorry for all the blurry pictures!  I was too excited to be starting this new dress! HOLLA!  

I always tend to sew after work so when starting a new dress after work, I always like to stop at this point.  The next day I will work on sewing the sleeves and creating the top drawstring channel in the bodice.  

I hope everyone has a great evening!! 

Love & Lollipops!

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